Geng Shuang was Deputy Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations
Geng Shuang Emulator is website that emulate his speech.
Originally version of Geng Shuang Emulator is made by xwgmdjc.
Originally version was taken down from github at 12-30-19
Warrenww improved n created Geng Shuang Emulator 2.0
exkc (me) make a custom version of Geng Shuang Emulator 2.0 n he call his custom version of Geng Shuang Emulator at Geng Shuang Emulator 2.0-exkc
2.0-exkc版是exkc (我) 用2.0魔改而來
Originally version repo(backup) 原版耿爽模擬器repo(備份) 2.0 version repo 2.0版耿爽模擬器repo 2.0-exkc version repo 2.0-exkc版耿爽模擬器repo